Engagement doesn’t last.
Neither does showering. That’s why we do it every day.
It’s National #ShowerWithAFriendDay.
Yeah, really.
Apparently, it’s way of educating people about the benefits of filtered, chlorine-free water and has been going for a decade, thanks to New Wave Enviro (a Denver-based bathroom company) suggesting it back in 2014.
But it’s also the perfect time to remind you about culture.
Culture is what employees live and breathe in their everyday experience.
🚿 It’s not the once-a-year recognition event
🚿 It’s not the once-a-month coaching session
🚿 It’s not the once-a-day morning buzz session
🚿 It’s not the dressdown Friday, the standing desks or the new pods
🚿 It’s not the euphoria your amazing customer resolution that one time
🚿 It’s not the awful news that the aircon broke when it’s 28 degrees outside
It’s the mundane. The perfunctory. The everyday.
Like showering.
And, like showering, if we take too much time off from it, the smell of the place starts to change.
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