You know what happens when someone goes looking for offence?
They find it.
The same is true of just about everything; even if we don’t consciously realise it.
Once we’ve formed an opinion, several biases will work hard to look for evidence to validate that opinion. We seek out people like us; people with opinions like ours.
We like to see our own evidence evidenced back to us, evidently.
(That’s a triple hit combo)
With today’s online connectivity and social media, where voices are more numerous and amplified, and algorithms work hard to create echo chambers, we must be even more critical in our thinking.
So what can we do?
🐝 Option 1: Get angry and/or defensive. Tell them why they’re wrong. Maybe block them on social media. You don’t need that negativity, right?
🐝 Option 2: Engage openly. Talk with them. Investigate. Be curious. Be willing to accept that you only experience the world as you – and the world looks very different to others
Before you choose, remember: It’s only through curiosity that we begin to learn.
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