You can’t tell someone about your culture. Your people show them.
“We’ve got a great culture here”
No. No you haven’t.
Culture is a tool.
A tool that aligns people’s behaviours to a specific strategy and purpose.
When thought of in those terms, there are no good or bad cultures – only the wrong tool for the job.
A match or a mismatch.
Having a fun, lively environment where people can try new things, innovate, fail and learn fast might be great for a Fintech – but it would be catastrophic for crisis management.
Culture is often difficult to articulate, as we tend only to see its effect; the behaviours, approaches and attitudes it shapes.
That means it’s also difficult to explain what your culture is and how it well it matches your intentional direction, purpose, strategy and vision.
But, if you know where to look, its drivers are unmistakable.
Culture leaves evidence.
That evidence might – and should – be fun.
But it starts with being strategically aligned and purposeful, to deliver against your organisation’s vision.
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