We need more Elon Musks.
But less Elon Musk.
The culture of an organisation manifests in actions and behaviours, rituals and totems, taboos and beliefs. It’s how we get things done around here.
When the advertised expectations (the talk) of how we get things done around here are different to how we actually get things done around here (the walk), we can feel it.
Culture leaves evidence.
And the greater the difference between the talk and the walk, the greater the risk that this dissonance will create toxicity.
Conversely, aligning the walk and talk intentionally, transparently and purposefully to your organisational strategy is incredibly powerful in delivering that strategy.
It also means that people can very clearly decide whether that environment is suitable for them.
Love or loathe Musk, he has been intentional, transparent and purposeful in setting the expectations of how we get things done at Twitter.
Employees and candidates for roles are under no illusion of what is expected if they want to be a part of that social group.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a fan of the overall approach. It’s not an environment that I would choose to work within.
I value individual respect and responsibility, and Elon has made it clear that the performance is the important focus.
That’s not for me.
It might not be for you. Some people thrive in that environment.
But how many people have worked at organisations that claim to be Richard Branson (talk) and behave more like Elon Musk (walk)?
We need more leaders to put their cards on the table, and transparently share what those values and expectations are.
How do we really get things done around here?
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